

Out of my five senior-year courses, I only do homework for my French class. That is because my French workbook is like the sassy, worldy, oftimes arrogant friend which I dissapointingly have yet to find in human form. Par example, a simple fill-in-the-blank from Chapter 8 of Debuts, 2nd Edition:

9. Je préfère la romaine. Je n'aime pas beaucoup _________________________ iceberg comme les Américains.

The answer is la salade.

TRANSLATION (courtesy of me)

9. I prefer romaine. I do not like iceberg salad like the Americans.

Yes, France. Americans do have an unsettling obsession with iceberg lettuce. I however, do not. So feel free to nationally subsidize a Parisian apartment and a romaine-eating lifestyle for me. I graduate in 4 weeks.